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2015年2月3日 フランス ボルドーより
リハビリ・センターに落ち着いてから、弟子たちが24時間毎日交替で付き添い、タイを支えています。この数ヶ月、徐々にタイは弟子と医師たちに対して、 はっきりとした意思疎通を図ることができるようになってきました。弟子たちがタイを手助けするときにはいつでも詳細な説明をし、タイがうなずいて了承する のを待ってから手を貸します。求められたことを望まない時には、タイは首を横に振るか、自由が利くようになってきた左手で合図しています。あまり快適でな いことが求められることがあっても、タイは全般的にとても協力的です。
ボルドーのお医者様たちはタイが食欲を増していることから、体重が増え、理学療法に必要な体力が備わっていくと希望的に見ています。病院のお医者様たちの 徹底したケアに加え、先週はタイの20年来の親しい教え子の、指圧と鍼灸の東洋医学の医師がタイに治療を施してくれたことを皆様にお伝えできることも、私 たちにとって喜ばしいことです。この治療は陰陽のバランスを再構築し、肝臓とすい臓、じん臓のエネルギーを高めることにフォーカスしたもので、これによっ てタイは良く眠れるようになり、体力を増しました。
動くことのできなかった何週間もの間に衰えてしまった筋肉を強化する理学療法士との試みも始まっています。訓練の中には、タイが支えなしでも首と頭を支 え、一人で座ることのできるよう、背中を強化する運動もあります。
また、自分の足で立つことのできるよう、足を強化するものもあります。この15分間のト レーニングは体力的にもきついものですが、タイは自分の運動機能を取り戻すことに非常に意欲的で、時間外でもよく自主的にこの運動を続けています。タイは 近い将来再び立てるようになると、強く心に決めているのです!
理学療法治療と指圧・鍼灸のコンビネーションによって、タイのエネルギーと意欲はどんどん高まっています。ある時はタイは足を回転させる「サイクル」と呼 ばれる運動を弟子に手伝ってもらいながら、なんと1時間もやり遂げたのです!これには手伝う弟子の方がタイの持続的な要望についていくのがやっとでした。 また別の日には、指圧と鍼灸治療の後、このサイクル運動をタイは138回もやり遂げたのです!
最近では、タイが言語療法士と共にお茶をカップに4分の1程も飲めたことが、タイにとっての非常に幸せな一瞬でした!タイがついに手でカップを真っすぐに 持った瞬間、私たちは「それでは、お茶の瞑想を始めましょう!」と宣言したのです。これにはタイも賛成で、まるで話し出すかのように手を挙げました。そし てお茶をマインドフルに飲むための簡単なオリエンテーションを言語療法士のためにして差し上げるように、弟子たちの一人に合図したのです。それから二人は お茶を口に含み、タイがお茶をちゃんと飲み下せているのを言語療法士が見守っている間、タイは手の中のお茶を見つめ、その言語療法士の女性に微笑みかけま した。そしてタイが胸に手を当ててみせると、心を身体に返して深く見つめ、お茶の味とそばにいる人たちの存在を本当に楽しめるよう、タイが招いていること を弟子が説明したのです。
皆様の送って下さった素晴らしいEメール、お祈り、お手紙、お葉書、子供たちの可愛い絵の数々、すべてに深く感謝しています。またタイの支援を続ける弟子 たちの滞在と食事のための寄付についても深く御礼申し上げます。どうか引き続きのご支援を私たちプラムヴィレッジよりお願い申し上げます。
Bhiksuni Thích Nữ Chân Không
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Lees hier de volledige brief van zuster Chan Khong:
February 3, 2015 Bordeaux, France
Dear Beloved Community,
It’s been one month since the last report about our dear teacher’s health. We are happy and blessed to be able to share with you this progress report about the improving health of Thay. Thay has been out of the coma now for 5 weeks and since then he has been relocated to the rehabilitation center in the hospital. Since coming out of the coma, Thay has been able to keep his eyes open, is increasingly alert and able to engage throughout the day with the medical staff and attendants.
Having settled in at the rehab center, we are maintaining the 24/7 rotation of attendants to give Thay constant support. Over the past few months Thay has developed clear means of communicating with the attendants as well as physicians. Before aiding Thay in any tasks, the attendants always give thorough explanation and only proceed when Thay gives consent by nodding his head. At other times when Thay did not wish to do whatever has been requested of him, he would shake his head or he’d signaled with his left arm, of which he has regained much control. Overall, Thay has been quite cooperative even though sometimes the task to be done was uncomfortable for him.
The physical therapists have begun working with Thay to strengthen his muscles after weeks of immobility. One set of therapy includes exercises to strengthen his back so that Thay can sit upright on his own, keeping his neck and head aligned properly. With continued therapy, we are hopeful that Thay will be able to maintain a sitting position without any support.
Thay is also undergoing therapy to strengthen his legs so that he can stand on his own two feet. The 15-minutes sessions are physically challenging but Thay is highly motivated to regain his capacities and has often continued with these exercises outside of schedule sessions. Thay is very determined to be able to stand again soon!
The physicians in Bordeaux are hopeful that as Thay is able to eat more and gain more weight, he will have the strength needed for the physical therapy. We are happy to share that last week, in addition to the profound care of the hospital’s doctors, Thay was also treated by a dear student of 20 years, who is a physician specializing in oriental acupressure and acupuncture. The treatments, focused on re-establishing Thay’s yin-yang balance and increasing the energy of his liver, pancreas, and kidneys, had enabled Thay to sleep better and have more energy.
The physical therapy augmented with acupuncture and acupressure treatment gave Thay greater energy and boosted his motivation. On one occasion, Thay was able to ‘cycle’ with his legs with the help of his attendants for an entire hour! The attendants can barely keep up with Thay’s continuous requests to practice his physical exercises. On another day, after acupressure and acupuncture treatment, with help Thay had proceeded to ‘cycle’ his legs 318 times!
It is truly elegant and beautiful to see the harmonious fusion of eastern and western medicine through the improvement of Thay’s condition. Particularly, the speech therapist had been helping Thay to strengthen the muscles relating to the pharynx and last week, Thay was able to swallow his pureed potatoes much better.
One of the recent happiest moments for Thay was when he was with the speech therapist and enjoyed a quarter cup of tea! When Thay was finally able to hold his cup of tea upright, we declared, “Now we shall have a tea meditation!” Thay agreed and raised his hand as if about to speak and motioned for one of the attendants to give the therapist a short orientation on how to drink tea mindfully. Then Thay and his speech therapist had a sip of tea. While the therapist observed that Thay was swallowing properly, Thay also looked into his tea and smiled to her. Then he put his hand on his heart and the attendant explained that Thay was encouraging us to bring our mind back to our body and to look more deeply into and really enjoy the taste of tea and people around us.
It has often been said that Thay’s life is his message. We feel incredibly grateful that despite the current circumstances, Thay continues to offer us his profound love, compassion and teaching.
The path of healing for Thay is still long, but we are certain that with the love and the support sent by all of his friends and disciples and with the energy of Avalokiteshvara, Thay will overcome the difficulties.
Thank you so much for all the beautiful emails, prayer services, letters, post cards and adorable drawings by children. Our community also appreciates deeply the donations sent to support us with expenses of housing and food for the monastics and attendants who are caring Thay.
With joined palms and a deep bow,
Bhiksuni Thích Nữ Chân Không
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